A Poet's Way Of Seeing

A poet, copywriter, editor, and content consultant , Soni Somarajan’s poetry and writings have featured in anthologies, magazines, and newspapers, in India and abroad. An alumnus of the University of Iowa’s IWP Advanced Poetry Seminar 2013, Soni is the Creative Head at The Quarantine Train, a poetry collective, and lives in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

 His poetry and writings have featured in anthologies, magazines, and newspapers, including Muse IndiaNorth East ReviewKitaabThe Bangalore Review, New Indian ExpressMarie Claire, The Four Quarters Magazine, The Alipore PostBengaluru Review, and is forthcoming in The Bombay Literary Magazine

On The Book

The Vapour Of Stories

A narrative spanning four-and-a-half decades, Soni Somarajan’s “First Contact” is a memoir in verse—an illuminating arc of autobiographical imagery rendered in a voice fresh and transcending. From the earliest years to the present, across times and places lived in, the collection dwells on a riveting mosaic of joy, triumph, love, loss, anguish and angst, embodying the poet’s indomitable spirit in the face of tremendous odds.

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